Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cross the Ocean : Book Tour : #Book #Review

By:: Holly Bush
#Book #Review

Publisher:: Baby Book

Pages:: 258
Price:: $3.99
ASIN:: B00D381HR6

About the Book::

1871 . . . The very proud Duke of Wexford was about to have his orderly world blown apart. At the age of twenty-four, Blake Sanders had wed a beautiful, dutiful wife and she had borne him three children. But now as mid-life approached, the Duchess had the unheard of temerity to leave him! Too mortified by her behavior to mix in ton company, Blake sought companionship with his best friend and neighbor, Anthony Burroughs, and his wife Elizabeth. But Blake had forgotten the Burrough’s were entertaining a houseguest, Elizabeth’s distant cousin, a spinsterish ‘Amazon from America’. 

Gertrude Finch, a champion for women’s rights, had long ago decided most men were useless other than Uncle Fred who’d raised her on his horse ranch near Chicago. While traveling with other Suffragists, Gert lectured women on the perils of passion and the value of independence but thought of neither when Blake kissed her. While opposite in nearly every way, other than an attraction neither could deny, their one night of passion would change her world, and send Gert scurrying her way back home across the ocean. 

When Blake discovered his heir had stowed away on Gert’s ship, he set out on his own adventure to America, to bring the boy home and to see Gert once again. Traversing America’s vast wilderness, Blake discovered that Gert had changed his life. Whether riding the rails or meeting common folk, Blake saw a whole new way of living but most of all, he realized something about love. He found he was not immune, and his heart could love, and love deeply.

My Thoughts::

I am not a reader that reads a lot of books about Duke and romance but I do enjoy them. The Cross the Ocean is a quick read about a man name Blake that is a Duke of Wexford that is very arrogant man. Duke is married to a Duchess and they have three children together. For so long the duchess was ignored by her husband Blake. Being tired of her life and being ignored, the duchess leaves her husband, children, and life behind. With Blake not knowing what to do and needing so much  help with his own children. He seeks help from his friend Sir Anthony Burroughs and his wife Elizabeth with his children. With Blake forgetting that his friends are entertaining Gertrude their cousin. Gertrude is from america and Blake is drawn to her very quickly. This is not the case with Gertrude in the beginning. Gertrude is a tell you how it is girl and is not a person to be ignored or to hold back in what she has to say. Learning about Gertrude and Blake is a great story but you will have to find out what happens to the two of them.

I really loved how Gertrude is a woman that speaks her mind and hold pride in herself.

FTC:: This post was written for CM Book Tours, who provided the complimentary product in exchange for my honest review.

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